Dr. Copeland is a practicing general practitioner with over 30 years of clinical experience. For the past 15 years, he has become a top rated physician in treating patients therapeutically with Botox. He is a certified specialist in Family Medicine with special interest in Onabotulinum Toxin A treatment for Chronic Migraines and Hyperhidrosis.
He brings to the Therapeutic Botox Centre the most up to date information and advance technologies in the field of Onabotulinum Toxin A Therapeutic practices.
Dr. Copeland is well known and respected in the Durham Region. Family Physicians and specialists rely on Dr. Copeland and the Therapeutic Botox Centre for consultation and treatment of their patients.
Therapeutic BOTOX® is used to treat a number of medical conditions. The Therapeutic Botox Centre treats two main medical conditions.
1.Chronic Migraines
For the management of chronic headaches in adults with chronic migraine (more or equal to 15 days per month with headache lasting 4 hours a day or longer)
2.Focal Hyperhidrosis
For the management of a medical condition that causes patients to sweat spontaneously in the underarms, hands, feet and cranial area.