Neck, Chest and Hands
Neck wrinkles happen as we age due to the loss of skin strength and elasticity. The neck skin is not attached to any bones, and therefore will be one of the first areas to display the natural progressive pull of gravity. There are two types of neck wrinkles: horizontal and vertical wrinkles. Vertical wrinkles occur as a result of reduced collagen production in the skin due to natural ageing process combined with less estrogen produced in women, long-term exposure to the sun and aggravated by smoking and poor hydration. The second type is the Horizontal wrinkles caused by keeping the head in the same position over long periods of time, which usually occurs when working with a computer, or when you sleep. We often call these necklace lines. Strong platysmal bands as seen below can also be an issue for some people. When the platysmal muscle contracts—like when you grimace or make certain facial expressions—it can cause vertical bands to form.
Cosmetic Injections for necklace lines Using a combination of Filler and neuromodulators like Botox, Dr. Copeland is able to soften neck lines that often come with age.
Ultherapy for vertical lines and loss of collagen Using Ultrasound technology, we are able to tighten your connective tissue to improve fine lines and texture.
Collagen Builder Treatment for Neck When injecting diluted Radiesse Filler superficially under aging skin in a scaffold-like pattern, these injected lines provide a stronger structural support system for the skin. More importantly, this diluted filler acts as a biostimulator. This means that the filler stimulates the body’s own biomolecular mechanisms to create and lay down new collagen, elastin and create new capillaries for the purpose of rejuvenating skin and underlying tissue. This is great for thinning neck skin.
Plastysmal Bands: Injecting neuromodulators like Botox into the vertical neck bands can cause the bands to smooth, and you will usually see the results in about a week. Neuromodulators can prevent the platysma from contracting, thereby smoothing the bands and the neck. In order to determine the amount required, you need to have a consultation.
Like the neck, chest skin also thins with age and can become wrinkly. Ultherapy, is a good solution to help improve skin texture as it helps tighten and build collagen. It is a one time treatment only and recommended to do every 12 to 24 months. More about Ultherapy.
In your 40s or 50s, signs of aging can start to appear with discoloration and age spots. If you have a lifestyle that exposes to you a lot of sun (like golfing or sailing) your hands can begin to show signs of aging even earlier. You can also experience volume loss in your hands in your 50s and 60s . When you lose volume, your veins and tendons start to protrude. Here are some pointers on what you can do to keep your hands looking youthful.
Photofacials and Filler are the key services we provide for hand rejuvenation.
Photofacials are common treatment to treat sun damage on the face and décolleté. This same treatment can be done on hands. A broad brand light laser can lift sun damage and bring it to the surface of the skin. The spots go darker for about 5 days and as you clean your hands over a period of a week, the spots start to shed. A course of 1 to 3 treatments, 3 weeks apart are usually recommended to lift sun damage. You cannot have this treatment if you have a tan on your hands. Most clients wait for the fall or winter to do this treatment.
Fillers used to restore volume loss in the face or enhance lips are also used to restore volume in hands. Adding filler into your hands can reduce the appearance of veins and tendons allowing a smoother more youthful look. Two treatments are planned, 1 month apart. The cost includes both treatments. The results are instant and usually lasts for several years.
Disclaimer: Similar and/or permanent results are not guaranteed based on the treatment/procedure and may vary from patient to patient, based on multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle of each patient. Read Full Disclaimer