Acne Treatments in Whitby
What causes acne?
There are different types of acne. The most common results from fluctuating hormones; i.e. during puberty, menstrual cycles and menopause. The severity of acne can range from a few blocked pores, also known as comedones, to severely infected cysts causing scarring. Acne is the end result of hormonal, bacterial, and inflammatory disturbances that take place at the skin pore (pilosebaceous follicle). Acne is not caused by diet or hygiene.
When a pore becomes blocked and the oil produced at the hair follicle cannot escape, the skin becomes fertile ground for bacterial invasion and growth. Blockage occurs and a small comedone appears. As this process advances, surrounding inflammation further block pores. This results in pustules and cysts. Acne may be present in various stages with remissions and exacerbation.
What factors aggravate acne?
Any factors that block or prevent the escape of natural oil, or sebum, from the skin pore will cause and aggravate acne. Acne can be made worse by:
- Medications such as anticonvulsants and steroids.
- Using comedogenic cosmetics, moisturizers, lotions, oils, and hairsprays.
- Wearing anything that causes frictional skin trauma, such as hats, helmets and hockey pads.
- Touching the skin a lot.
- Washing the face too often or scrubbing the face too hard.
- Using harsh soaps or very hot water.
- Squeezing and picking.
- Sweating a lot.
- Experiencing a lot of stress.
What is the right treatment for you?
See a Physician who treats acne because the staging, severity, causes and your particular medical status all influence which treatment is best suited to you. Individualized treatment and follow-up are key to success.
What are the treatment options?
- Non-Prescription Products: Essential Acne skin care products, Detoxifying Facials under steam, Alpha or Beta Hydroxyl Acid lotions, Retinols, and oral supplements such as Zinc and Omega.
- Prescription products: For more severe cases it may be necessary to use Retinoids, Benzoyl Peroxide, Antibiotics, Accutane®, Salicylic Acid, Dapsone, Birth Control Hormones/
- Detox Facial as a means to extract black heads and white heads
- Acne Peels to assist with acne and scarring
Acne Treatment using Sciton BBL. Broad Band Light (BBL) is often recommended when needing to kill the P Acne bacteria found on the skin, especially in severe cases of acne. A course treatment of twice a week for 6 weeks or a once a week for 6 weeks is usually recommended for cases where the patient is not on antibiotics of other medications like Accutane.
Early intervention:
The goal here is EARLY treatment BEFORE scarring occurs. At MD Aesthetics we aim to give you the full range of medical treatments for acne.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, impacting roughly 85% of people from the ages of 12 to 24. However, this particular skin condition can continue to impact people even into their late adult years. Even after you have treated your acne, you may still suffer from scarring, which impacts about 80% of patients who were treated for Acne vulgaris.
When treating acne, you are treating more than your skin. Emotionally, acne and acne scarring can affect you and cause depression. With that in mind, it has been shown in studies that helping to treat and heal your acne as well as scarring can lead to high level of personal satisfaction.
If you suffer from acne scarring, consider these different treatments.
1. Microneedling
Microneedling has continued to grow in popularity throughout the years, and it is one of the treatments that can help to improve the appearance of acne scarring. The benefits of pricking the skin for collagen production and improving the skin's absorption of topical treatments makes for a smoother overall skin appearance. Breaking down the collagen helps for it to come back smoother without the collagen binding to the formation of the scar. We usually recommend up to 6 treatments, 2 weeks apart.
2. Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are another option for treating acne scarring, and it uses a strong acid to remove the top layer of the skin to help reduce deeper scars. We have different types of chemical peels that can be used with different levels of severity, and they work to improve the tone and smoothness of the skin. Sometimes, combining micro needling and peels can be the best solution.
3. Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers can be used to lift depressed scars for a temporary smoother skin appearance. Dermal fillers are also considered a solution that is better fit for less defined acne scarring.
Above everything else, coming in for a consultation must be the first step in understanding the severity of your scares before proceeding with different acne scarring treatments. Email for a virtual consultation.
Disclaimer: Similar and/or permanent results are not guaranteed based on the treatment/procedure and may vary from patient to patient, based on multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle of each patient.